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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Basic Networking Questions & Answers for Interview

What is Full form of ADS?
Active Directory Service

How will you register and activate windows?
to initiate activation click on the windows Activation icon in the system tray. Once you have activated windows XP, this icon disappears from the system tray. 
Start ==> Run ==> regwiz /r

Where do we use cross and standard cable?
Computer to computer ==> cross 
Switch/hub to switch/hub ==>cross
Computer to switch/hub ==>standard

How many pins do Router serial ports have?
60 pins.

How will you make partition after installing windows?
My computer ==> right click ==> manage ==> disk management ==> 
select free space ==>
 right click ==> New partition

What is IP Address?
IP address is a 32 bit Logical Address defined in Network Header.

What is Private IP Address?
IANA has reserved Three classes for private address If you do decide to implement a private IP address range, you can use IP addresses from any of the following classes: 
Class A
Class B
Class C

What is public IP address?
A public IP address is an address leased from an ISP that allows direct Internet communication.

What’s the benefit of subnetting?
Dividing large Subnets(Network) into small small subnets(Networks) is called subnetting.

What are the differences between static ip addressing and dynamic ip addressing?
With static IP addressing, a computer (or other device) is configured to always use the same IP address. With dynamic addressing, the IP address can change periodically and is managed by a centralized network service

What is APIPA?
Automatic private IP addressing (APIPA) is a feature. DHCP clients use this IP range when they don’t get IP lease from available DHCP Server. The range of these IP address are the to with a default Class B subnet mask of

What are the LMHOSTS files?
The LMHOSTS file is a static method of resolving NetBIOS names to IP addresses in the same way that the HOSTS file is a static method of resolving domain names into IP addresses. An LMHOSTS file is a text file that maps NetBIOS names to IP addresses; it must be manually configured and updated.

What is DHCP scope?
A scope is a range, or pool, of IP addresses that can be leased to DHCP clients on a given subnet.

What is FQDN?
An FQDN contains (fully qualified domain name) both the hostname and a domain name. It uniquely identifies a host within a DNS hierarchy

What is the DNS forwarder?
DNS servers often must communicate with DNS servers outside of the local network. A forwarder is an entry that is used when a DNS server receives DNS queries that it cannot resolve locally. It then forwards those requests to external DNS servers for resolution.
Which command will you use to find out the name of the pc in networks?
[Ip of target computer]

How will enable sound service in 2003?
By default this service remain disable to enable this service
Start ==> administrative tools ==> service ==> windows audio ==> start up type ==> automatic

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